This post has been promised for some time. The subject is vast and will require a lot of study, but everything begins by drawing a line between what is voluntary and what may be mandatory. In my opinion, authorities, whether they be governmental or non-governmental, should not have any jurisdiction over any person’s body except in very extenuating circumstances such as a very serious genuine epidemic. Even in such situations, every individual should have the option of self-quarantining. With the advent of countless delivery services and the ability of many people to work from home, it is possible to self-quarantine for extended periods of time. . . IF absolutely necessary.
No one has the right to mandate any medical procedure against the wishes of the individual. This includes infants, incarcerated and hospitalized people, those with higher risks than others, and those with chronic conditions requiring care. Reasonable alternatives must be provided in all circumstances, and deeply held religious beliefs must be respected regardless of the alleged science.
For example, as a vegetarian, I object to serums that have been derived from infected animals or aborted fetuses as well as anything that is not mineral or plant-based. As a health nut, I object to all toxins and most preservatives. This is my choice and there are millions of others who feel as strongly as I do.
Now for the reforms, this starts with respect for individuals and their right to freedom so all modalities should be options for those who seek to improve their health or overcome disease. The AMA has a long history of persecuting chiropractic healing and the FDA is doing its utmost to destroy the availability of homeopathy. Their positions are not based on outcome studies or research, just prejudice, perhaps supported by Big Pharma. If people want to see a shaman or psychic or faith healer, that is their choice, not for anyone else to decide.
So, to tie this up in a nutshell, freedom is first goal of reform and it extends to everyone, not just a group here or there, meaning whether Amish or just plain obstinate or kooky, we have rights that preclude coercion.
The Plan
Step one is to revitalize the indigenous medicine of the United States because the understanding of our flora is part of the heritage of the First Nation People. I propose establishing five very serious research centers where traditional and modern scientific methods have an equal footing. These can be situated on tribal lands in the north, east, south, west, and center of the country. Funding should be generous and should include clinics and hospitals where outcome studies are carefully organized and published. Costs to patients should be nil.
This effort should be accompanied by conservation efforts to assure the availability of endangered species plants such as bloodroot and goldenseal and many other species.
Step two is to fund studies relating to the deployment of biological weapons and release of toxic chemical agents, medical waste, and insects. Transparency is of the utmost importance. If my studies are accurate, then Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and the AIDS epidemic were brought on by humans as were Lyme disease, Morgellons, and the countless side effects of the recent jabs. We should also probably include autism and Alzheimer’s here since they are an epidemic and thus suggest that if we lived as our recent ancestors did, the incidence would be close to nil. There are scientists who understand the details behind some of the bizarre concoctions who can work with those seeking cures to relieve the suffering of innocent victims of iatrogenic conditions. In my opinion, all victims deserve free treatment as well as compensation.
Step three is to establish wellness clinics in all communities, starting with those areas in which there is the most drug and alcohol abuse. Looking around at the aftermath of exporting jobs overseas and locking down many businesses, there are vacant properties that are costing owners mortgage, tax, and insurance payments but not generating any income. These can be converted to practical treatment and residential facilities so that people can get off the streets and try to reinvent their lives . . . with the help of trained counselors and vocational training.
Step four is to encourage the spread and availability of detoxification centers, everything from adding wings to gyms and places of worship to resorts in pristine areas with pure water and clean air. The truth is, we are all exposed to toxins, and we all need to detoxify on a regular basis. Those who avail themselves of potentially preventative measures to protect their health should have lower health insurance costs.
Step five is to promote serious educational programs covering health issues and treatments. This can be done through colleges and online. Most people do not understand nutrition and many do not know how to cook. Understanding of chiropractic medicine, acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, Ayurvedic and Siddha medicine, homeopathy, herbal medicine, and even movement, art, and music therapy is seriously lacking and needs to be explained in a clear and understandable manner so that options that are less invasive than modern medicine are factored into serious health decisions.
RFK, Jr.
I am glad that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has defined a role for himself to fulfill his destiny, but we must remember he is a lawyer who has filed major lawsuits against industrial giants who have caused harm to our environment and health. He had not worked in a clinic nor had the responsibility for counseling patients about their options . . . though I think his understanding surpasses that of many who are not yet out of the box. Rooting out fraud and conflicts of interest is part of what is needed to bring our health up to standard, but it is not clinical and therefore differs from my ideas.
It is important to keep in mind that there are tens of thousands of practitioners who have the training necessary to ease the epidemic of chronic diseases. Some voices are heard and others are not, but there is not a void of qualified people ready to help those in need.
Copyright by Dr. Ingrid Naiman 2024 || All Rights Reserved
For permission to quote, please contact the author. Sharing via e-mail and posting links are welcome so long as the author and source are properly cited. Reprinting is strictly prohibited.
My line of herbal remedies and essential oils can be found through this link. Bioethika International is the main site with a complete list of available herbs. The other active e-commerce enabled sites are Ayurvedic Bazaar,, has the herbs I used to recover from very serious mold exposure. has herbs for chelation. Referrals of new subscribers are always welcome. Just be sure you have permission from your friends before subscribing them.
Thank you so much!
Image Credit:Martina Osmy |
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This was the context: