This post is a tribute to the speech Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. gave when suspending his campaign. It was in three parts, a gracious and warm expression of appreciation for those who campaigned so hard for him; a discussion of the state of affairs with a conspicuous absence of commentary on the Middle East; and a deeply moving, spiritually inspired disclosure of his commitment to make America healthy again. This, of course, speaks to me on a deep level. He is 70; I am 82. We both have a mission along with, I believe, tens of thousands of others who have made similar investments so as to lay the foundations for the future of health and healing.
Mr. Kennedy is a class act so I will not compare myself with him except to say that taking down those who are not playing by the rules is very different from providing the services needed by those who are ailing. An immense understanding of the foundations of the prevailing science is needed regardless of the role played, but I want to give an example that I hope will explain some of the nuances of vaccination.
Several of my posts have been devoted to this topic, but I want to move the discussion forward. If you are a new subscriber and missed the post on variolation, I strongly recommend that you read it. It explains the background of vaccinations, going back perhaps as much as 3000 years, but the credit for discovery was accorded Edward Jenner and only takes us back to the late 18th century. At that time, the vaccine was novel but quickly embraced due to the virulence of smallpox, but there were no adjuvants or preservatives in the original variolation or vaccination treatments. We have to understand the difference between the actions of the infective material and the additives, many of which are highly toxic and dangerous. In sum, it is possible to accept the theory of vaccination and to reject the thimerosal, aluminum, squalene, graphene, mRNA, bluetooth devices, nanobots, and countless other ingredients found in many vaccine batches. That is all I want to say on this subject at this time. Instead, I would like to discuss what is needed to move in the direction of health.
The Path of Healing
Perhaps on the level of the soul, we have perfected our talents — our gifts to the world — but where manifestation is concerned, we spend many lifetimes putting the pieces together. As I have posted before, the first step is to remove the obstacles to cure. Thus, stopping chemtrails, eliminating toxins from our food and medicines, cleaning up the environment so we breathe fresh air and drink clean water are all important steps and will surely make a significant difference in the quality of life in our country and many others.
Learning to grow, prepare, and eat what is healthy will also make a difference. However, when it comes to illness and its treatment, nothing beats clinical trials, real trials with real remedies and detailed observations of responses and recovery rates. Believe it or not, good clinical trials are rare. Moreover, scientists often perform the bulk of their work dealing with abstractions rather than patients. Yes, they may wear white coats, but it does not mean they see real patients.
One of the dismissive terms used in modern texts is “archaic” and it implies that modern has outperformed “tried and true” so indigenous medicine, natural medicine with hundreds of years of history, and even diet and exercise can be ignored. The problems can be fixed by prescriptions requiring endless renewal. Yet, in my world, I have seen countless cases of diabetes disappear in ten days through use of Ayurvedic medicine and even paralysis has been successfully treated using many different traditional systems of healing.
I would like to see five research centers devoted to Native American medicine, located on reservations in the north, east, south, west, and center of our country. The plants that grow in one area are different from those that grow in another area so this would be one step in the direction of inclusiveness and therefore Unity, the goal of the coalition that seems to be gathering public support and momentum.
All information needs review as well as dissemination so censorship must be terminated and people should be allowed to express themselves . . . even if they are so far out on a limb that their ideas are ridiculous. The public needs the opportunity to develop discernment so they do not simply repeat what media moguls broadcast. This is possible when our inherent capacities are allowed to function as they should, without the heavy loads of toxins we currently battle. This is freedom as opposed to manipulation and ultimately tyranny.
Private publishers have the right to accept or reject papers submitted for publications but public platforms should not discriminate based on the views of the author(s). Obviously, there are some very serious contributors to the blogosphere, but there are also some nitwits. You decide who is grounded and who lacks credibility . . . in the public domain. Academia obviously needs to maintain a standard, something it has failed to do in recent years.
Over the next weeks, I hope to contribute more suggestions for how to move forward towards freedom of choice and cooperation.
Copyright by Dr. Ingrid Naiman 2024 || All Rights Reserved
For permission to quote, please contact the author. Sharing via e-mail and posting links are welcome so long as the author and source are properly cited. Reprinting is strictly prohibited.
Note: Bioethika International is the main site with a complete list of available herbs. The other active e-commerce enabled sites are Ayurvedic Bazaar,, has the herbs I used to recover from very serious mold exposure. has herbs for chelation. Referrals of new subscribers are always welcome. Just be sure you have permission from your friends before subscribing them.
Thank you so much!
This Substack column was launched in mid-January 2023. Paid subscribers are greatly appreciated, but only 10% of readers are paid subscribers. Maybe monthly or annual commitments are too much for some people so if you would like to make a one-time donation, you can use this link. Please note, all subscriptions and donations are going through the Institute for Invisible Epidemics, and will appear on your credit card as iie-academy.
Photo Credit: CNN
Thank you Ingrid for all that you do and for highlighting RFKjr address to the nation
“Once the focus is shifted from the carbon fixation, the true environmental impact of massive factory gear-up for ‘renewables’ manufacturing is laid bare.”
He also focused on the chemicals in the environment and food which are being ignored because there is no money to be made like in the carbon credit scam.
Not to mention the wars and that pollution and cruelty that could be prevented if diplomacy were allowed again.