Traditional medical astrology was heavily based on a concept of malefics. Mars rules acute conditions, ones usually characterized by a sudden onset with pain, fever, and bleeding that often require emergency management. These could be brought on by rashness, assaults, or contagion. Saturn rules chronic conditions that creep up on us little by little but might be ignored or undiagnosed for years before presenting as a challenge to survival.
It is tempting to say that with the overlap between military and medicine, more attention has gone towards acute issues than chronic ones. Until recently, many might also have argued that success has been far greater with managing injuries and infections than malignancies and neurological decline. This is oversimplified, but it sets the stage for understanding the effects of the current Saturn transit through Pisces.
Saturn is sometimes referred to as the Lord of Karma. If we understand karma as educational rather than punitive, this is a fair title; but most astrologers would see Saturn as rewarding efforts and ethics, and causing the downfall or worse of those who have ignored the rules so as to advance their agendas. In short, it is a “get what is deserve” timer . . . and we all know of situations in which the axe fell quickly and other misdeeds for which consequences were delayed for years or even decades.
In this context, we can see Saturn as a judge, one without leniency or nuance. Saturn is by the book, and tends to rule on the basis of the deeds rather than the motivations and excuses for the deeds.
Pisces is almost the energetic antithesis of Saturn. It is nuanced, compassionate, forgiving, and sometimes also enabling. What we generally see during a Saturn transit is the weaknesses in the beginning and sometimes, not always, mastery at the end. What does this mean?
Right now, many people are suffering and angry. Even those who profess to high mindedness and lofty values are sometimes short-fused and eager for change. The truth is one cannot be both impulsive and patient. One cannot demand to be cured and be satisfied with a placebo. As a pacifist and promoter of the doctrine of ahimsa, I seek calm and safe reforms, not strategies that result in risks to others or death. In short, “the fall from grace” may seem insufficient punishment for the most egregious offenders, but I do not believe in the death penalty because we are humans, not gods, and we do not have the right to cause death of others. Whether death is caused by war or tribunals that weigh the deeds and the guilt and sentence offenders, I reserve the right to end life for the soul itself, not another mortal or even panel of mortals.
So, what I see now is impatience, but a lack of skill in eliminating the underlying causes of egregious crimes. However, we still have more than two years with Saturn in Pisces by transit. As the lessons of Pisces are mastered, we should expect wiser solutions. However, it is probably safe to suggest that there will be many changes in who is seen in the highest positions by the time the new cycle in Aries begins.
Many crimes have been committed: financial schemes, social injustice, indifference to the resources necessary to sustain life, profiteering over illicit and prescription drugs, reckless wars, and dangerous abuses of authority and power. Not everyone who has lacked a proper sense of responsibility can be rehabilitated, but they can be removed from office and perhaps from public life. Others will learn how to take care of those who have suffered because of actions. In short, the ideal way to manifest effective support for victims will gradually be grounded in reality.
This may seem like a dangerous prediction, but the caveat is that some people will fail to live up to the demands of Saturn, and some will ground the ideals in reality. This is the way to understand how we weave our destinies.
Saturn is not the top authority. Position and responsibility are delegated to Saturn, which is why the people who often appear to be at the top are actually only following orders. Sometimes, the power behind the curtain is revealed, but for most of history, this power has been hidden from view.
From a health perspective, Pisces rules the feet but also the circulation of fluids. People should be super careful of what they ingest so that the plasma is as pure as possible. In recent photomicrographs sent to me by students, I am seeing some destruction of red blood cells. It might be a time to mention a quaint theory of Saturn and Schuessler cell salts. My finding is that when Saturn goes through a sign, the cell salt ruled by that sign becomes deficient. Pisces rules ferrum phosphate. This is critical to the proper functioning of hemoglobin so a deficiency can lead to a reduced ability of the erythrocytes to transport oxygen. People should be careful to make sure they are providing the nutrients necessary for correct functioning. If there is any sign of bleeding or anemia, try improving the intake of natural sources of iron or take the homeopathic remedy to bring the chemistry into balance.
In my own product line, my Ayur Blood Elixir is an excellent formula to support healthy blood cells. In the case of bleeding, try sangre de grado in very, very small amounts.
With the worldwide transport issues with wheat, try amaranth, quinoa, and/or teff. Jazz up the cereals with seeds and nuts, add some spinach and broccoli and enjoy!
Feel free to add cilantro and use tamarind chutney with the quinoa patties!
While writing this post, there were several interruptions. I was about to write a very close friend that with Saturn transiting her Moon, someone from her past may appear. Then another friend called and told me about a dream of a woman from a past life, and the woman in dream looked like my friend with the Pisces Moon. Then, it turned out she is going on a road trip to a place near where my friend lives. I love how this works.
Copyright by Dr. Ingrid Naiman 2023 || All Rights Reserved
This product is available on, owned by Sacred Medicine Sanctuary and operated by the author.
Image Credit: Dreamstime: Annilein