Ingrid. I don't know if you remember me, donna czubernat. I was in the hospital last week for a myocardial infarction. A stint was put in and I was sent home with brilanta and crestor. I'm already bruised up from blood thinners. What can I do to ease off these meds? The statins are tough on me as well. I have sciatica pain and now can't take my ibuprofen. Any suggestions? Thanks.

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Donna, of course, I remember you; however, it would not be responsible on my part to assume I have answers for your questions. Even if you provided more background information, such as vaccine history, I am not in a position to monitor you. This said, there is a tremendous amount of information online by people who have specialized in treating vaxxed patients who have suffered myocardial infarctions. I would suggest reviewing what they have posted. This said, I know many people now who have been through similar procedures and most have steadily improved, often over a period of 6-18 months. The early days are often the hardest, but then some healing occurs and the road is easier to travel. I hope this is the case for you also.

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