What I was actually asking about was the transitional process, if, after he passed, he talked to you about the difficulties of transitioning and how he maneuvered through different dimensions. Dokyood is a place in the Subtle World. Thank!

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I understand. It would not have happened because of my own hands off approach. Being a Buddhist, I believe that souls are very sensitive when in the Bardo state so I would have carefully observed 49 days of respectful distancing. Once he did appear, it was really clear that all went smoothly because he looked wonderful and very protective of me.

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Dear Ingrid. In your article just released about “Life After Death,” in the next to last paragraph, it said, “...had helped him to navigate the shift in dimensions.Z” Did he communicate to you anything about this process, the process of navigation? And do you know about Dokyood? Thanks. Joleen

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Your questions are a little complicated. While "living", the subject of death was strictly prohibited in our conversations. I asked him once what he wanted me to do if there were a crisis and I had to make decisions on his behalf. He said to do everything possible to save his life. I can't remember the time lapse between his passing and reappearance, but it was quite short. He was only in the hospital a very short time, perhaps only one night, so he had very little time to prepare; but we had been attending spiritual functions, seeing psychics, exploring past lives, so little by little, he understood the continuity of life. I think he also lived an almost blameless life, someone with very few regrets so there was not much to fear.

Dokyood is a new word for me. Perhaps you can explain it.

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